Bringing Back the Tarot Blog


Three years ago, I launched Practical Magic and set up a blog to document all the decks in my embarrassingly extensive card collection. There was so much prettiness, I felt compelled to share my love of cards with the world! So I reviewed decks, made Top 5 lists, used my cards to do Full Moon and New Moon readings, and documented my experiences with the tarot’s Major Arcana.

Fast forward to 2019. Five decks, two books, and a whole lot of changes later, here’s what happened:

  1. I did a full-on Marie Kondo and sold probably half the decks in my collection (no kidding).

  2. I took my website down to get some major renovation done and completely scrapped my blog . I mean, I figured there was no point in having one since I didn’t have any decks to review anyway.

  3. I focused on deck creation instead of “content” creation.

  4. I thought Instagram would be a sufficient outlet for sharing my tarot shenanigans.

But, I thought wrong, because my relationship with IG has been testy to the say the least—mostly because of my frenemy, the algorithm >< … So I decided to go back to long-form writing and start a newsletter instead of obsessing over Instagram captions. And so far, writing a monthly newsletter has really been fun. It’s also been much more freeing than maneuvering my way around social media.

Then last month, I took a creative content workshop by my web wunderkind friend Macy and learned about the one-of-a-kind value that comes with blogging. The workshop really made me reconsider bringing back my blog, even if it’s super daunting to start from scratch. But synchronicity bit me in the ass again when my life coach / mentor / friend Aueeie told me just last week that she actually looked forward to reading my blog and was wondering why it disappeared. (WHAT? People actually read my posts?!? lol)

So after an eight-month hiatus, here I am again, rebuilding my blog and sharing a whole lot of practical + magical stuff I’m hoping you’ll find interesting. In the days and weeks to come, I’m going to share my perspective on creating decks, reading cards, and finding magic everywhere. I hope you’ll like what you find.

If you’ve got any requests for topics you want me to cover, comment and share ‘em below—I’d really appreciate it. Also, please keep me accountable, everyone~ I’m determined to put up a lot of posts here!

Oh, and PS: JSYK, I’ll also be reviewing the decks that survived my ruthless Marie Kondo purge, so all you tarot collectors can look forward to that. ;)