Practical Magic Astrology: What are the Nodes?

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Are you a newbie to the world of astrology?

If you’re like me, you’ve probably trolled all the apps from Co-Star to The Pattern to Time Passages to read your Birth Chart (or Natal Chart) and squeeze all the info you can out of the stars.

If you’ve already turned your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs inside out, if you’ve already read your PM Astro Book from cover to cover (thank you if you did!), or if you’ve tried your hand with the #NoFilter Woowoo Deck, you might want to get into the Nodes.

According to one of my fave astrology books “Star Power,” the nodes are the points in your chart that indicate destiny.

Now, if you’ve ever gotten a reading from me and have asked me what your purpose or destiny is, you will have heard my whole spiel about how I don’t think there’s just the one thing we’re meant to do in one lifetime. I mean it’s a romantic notion and all, but I believe that as we’re constantly changing and evolving, so do our priorities and goals.

Maybe life is like the movie “Sliding Doors” where we own our decisions on the day-to-day… and experience certain milestones no matter which path we choose. Who knows? It’s fun to imagine, but probably not something we should take too seriously because it’ll prevent us from using our “magic” practically.

so instead of taking the notion of “destiny” to indicate a fixed future, we can break it down practically + magically as a way to figure out what we’ve already established in our lives and what we have yet to figure out.

According to Vanessa Montgomery in “Star Power,” the South Node indicates our comfort zone (something we’re familiar with and used to) while the North Node, which lays opposite it in our birth chart, indicates what could use a little more improvement, development, and work in our present life.

Curious about your North and South Nodes?

Let’s get crackin’.

  1. Head to Cafe Astrology to get your free natal chart. You’ll need your birth date, time, and location to get all the details.

  2. Once you input your details and submit them, you are taken to your natal chart. Scroll down the page to find this handy dandy table (example below).

Here’s my very own chart! Feel free to psychoanalyze me :P

Here’s my very own chart! Feel free to psychoanalyze me :P

3. Look to the very bottom to find the N Node.

You’ll find that only the North Node is indicated in your Cafe Astrology chart. Don’t fret, it’s easy to find your South Node from there.

4. Count six signs starting from the sign after your North Node to find out what your South Node is. If you reach the bottom of the list, just go straight back on top and resume counting.


So for example, my North Node is in Virgo… and I count six spots down the list, I’ll find that my South Node is in Pisces.

Another example: If your North Node is in Capricorn and you count six spots down, you’ll find your South Node to be in Cancer.

*If you have the PM Astro Book, all you have to do is check what your North Node’s POLAR sign is.


While you can glean a ton of information by really studying each sign in depth, I thought I’d include a handy North Node - South Node generator over in this post (just for kicks!).

Just pick which signs your nodes fall in, and see if my interpretations of your comfort zone + the thing you need to learn apply to you.

*If you own the PM Astro Book, you can go one step further by including your House in your node interpretation!

What your South Node means if it falls under the sign…

ARIES - I’m comfortable taking risks. If you say jump, I’ll say “How high?”
TAURUS - I’m comfortable doing the same thing, day in and day out. Routines are my thing.
GEMINI - I’m comfortable juggling a billion things all at once. Call me Major Multi-tasker.
CANCER - I’m comfortable never leaving my house. Quarantine and lockdown have got nothing on me.
LEO - I’m comfortable showing people how much I love them. I don’t understand people who don’t say it out loud!
VIRGO - I’m comfortable when things are absolutely perfect. My standards are way high and I’m proud of it.
LIBRA - I’m comfortable when things are just right. I can’t stand it when something or someone feels off.
SCORPIO - I’m comfortable with digging deep when it comes to people. I can get even the most silent person to open up to me.
SAGITTARIUS - I’m comfortable picking myself up after a fall. I just chalk it all up to experience.
CAPRICORN - I’m comfortable when all my deadlines are set and all my goals are written. I don’t half-ass my work.
AQUARIUS - I’m comfortable not agreeing with everyone. Show me a trend I haven’t yet rolled my eyes at.
PISCES - I’m comfortable turning to my creative side. The world deserves more music, more art, more beauty and I am here for it.

What your North Node means if it falls under the sign…

ARIES - I need to learn who I am. I’ve got to work on figuring out what what I’ve got going for me and sell it!
TAURUS - I need to learn how to persevere. I shouldn’t just give up at the first sign of failure.
GEMINI - I need to learn to think on my feet. There’s just too much going on and I need to keep up.
CANCER - I need to learn to be more sensitive—to myself and to others. It won’t do to be brash and harsh.
LEO - I need to learn how to wear my heart on my sleeve. What use are my feelings if I can’t express them?
VIRGO - I need to learn to be a little more finicky. I could go much further if I just focused on the details more.
LIBRA - I need to learn to find harmony in my day to day. There’s only so much chaos one can take, after all.
SCORPIO - I need to learn to handle uncomfortable situations. We can’t pick and choose our circumstances in life.
SAGITTARIUS - I need to have faith that things will turn out for the better. Pessimism isn’t going to do me any good anymore.
CAPRICORN - I need to be responsible. I can’t rely on everyone else to clean up my messes.
AQUARIUS - I need to not be such a conformist. I should see what possibilities open up if I did my own thing.
PISCES - I need to spend time on otherworldly, spiritual stuff. There’s more to life than work, money, my home, and my daily workouts.


What do you think—do your North Node and South Node agree with your own perception of yourself? Comment below if this made sense to you and why :)

If this intrigued you just a little bit and you haven’t yet delved into #EverydayAstrology, do check “Practical Magic: Your Guide to Everyday Astrology.” Available in Print and Digital versions at the PM Shop!