Tarot Spread to Try: Travel with Tarot and Oracle

Shuffling your tarot cards doesn’t have to always be a woowoo, mystical ritual. A tarot spread can be rooted in reality and still provide you unexpected magic.

I like to use my real world experiences to inspire my tarot spreads. On Your Weekly Oracle, I use three-card spreads to give short and simple messages that everyone can relate to (past present future, mind body heart are fast faves). In the PM Pinoy book, I use each of the 78 Pinoy Practical Magic tarot cards to spark questions and prompts. One of the PM Pod episodes has a Spread of the Pod that’s based on the TV show Felicity.

After two years of life with covid, the world seems to be opening up again. But international travel is wayyy wayyy wayyy off my radar at the moment, practically speaking. I was thinking about how much I miss scoring tickets, preparing an itinerary, even stepping over the people on my row to get to the tiny toilet, and thought—hey, I can use TRAVEL as inspo for a tarot spread!

So here’s a spread you might want to try—something inspired by how much I miss traveling, and something that beginners and more intermediate readers can use too.

One of the advantages of a tarot spread is you’re under zero pressure to read the cards as a big, collective whole.

You can take each prompt and each card one at a time, without thinking of telling a full-fledged story from beginning to end.

If you consider yourself a more advanced reader or want to push yourself out of your tarot spread comfort zone, you can attempt to look at this reading from a bird’s eye point of view (something I like to do once I’m done reflecting on each individual prompt and tarot card). See how all the cards relate to each other. Look for patterns in the numbers and suits that show up. And use your intuition to determine the general energy of the spread.

PM Tarot Spread: Travel with Tarot and Oracle

A tarot spread inspired by travel—something you can use to discover what new adventures you want to embark on.
  1. Book your tickets. What adventure do you want to call into your life this season?

  2. Plan your itinerary. What detail/s should you focus on so you can manifest this new adventure? (Feel free to pull more than one card for this!)

  3. Pack. What essentials will you need to bring with you?

  4. Head to the airport. How do you want to approach this journey?

  5. Check in and security. What safety measures can you have in place to make this as effortless as possible?

  6. Immigration. What red flags should you watch out for?

  7. Waiting at the departure area. What about this endeavor will require patience?

  8. Board. How does this adventure make you feel right now?

  9. Flight. How can you make the prep work interesting and comfortable for you?

  10. Disembark. What do you need to keep in mind, the closer you are to the finish line?

  11. Baggage claim. What can you afford to leave behind as you move into this more exciting period?

  12. Arrival. What can you look forward to?

I hope you have fun with this travel-themed tarot spread! Feel free to share what this spread brought to your personal (or professional) tarot practice in the comments. :)