Tarot Quiz: Which Tarot Suit Suits Your Pandemic Personality?

Since this pandemic is on everyone’s mind, I thought it would be an interesting way to look into which tarot suit is relevant to you right now.

One thing I thoroughly enjoy about the tarot is that it helps us find structure in really chaotic situations. 56 (out of 78) cards in the tarot are divided according to four different suits, with each suit targeting a specific area of life. Pulling a tarot card when things feel out of control, allows you to zone in on just one thing—which can be super helpful when you feel like you don’t even know where to start figuring things out.

These suits can help you focus on a specific aspect of your life so that you can (somehow) regain power in an otherwise messy situation. (And isn’t that what we’re in at the moment?)

To summarize:
Wands represent active energy, motivation, passion, and drive.
Cups represent feelings, emotions, and relationships.
Swords represent thoughts and your ability to communicate them.
Pentacles represent pragmatism, your physical environment, and all things tangible.

Download the latest tarot quiz here. I’d love to see your results so feel free to share them on Instagram and make sure to tag me— @practical_magical.

If you’ve taken the previous quiz I posted a few days ago, you can even combine the SUIT you get from today’s quiz with the COURT CARD you got from the previous quiz and figure out which particular archetype you can embody during this time! (Mine is the King of Swords—an archetype I hardly ever relate to, which is pretty cool). Check out the Tarot Court Personality Quiz here.

As always, enjoy, stay safe, and hang in there <3